Our Services

Physical Therapy

Fundamental Physical Therapy is your gateway to expert physical therapy services that prioritize your health, mobility, and well-being. Discover a world of personalized care, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate support designed to help you overcome pain, regain strength, and achieve your optimal level of functioning. Explore our comprehensive range of services, meet our experienced team of therapists, and access valuable resources to empower your journey to recovery. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or seeking to enhance your physical performance, Fundamental Physical Therapy is your trusted partner for a healthier, pain-free life. Take the first step toward a better you.

Physical Therapy Services We Offer:

Pain Management: Assessment and treatment of various types of pain, including acute and chronic pain conditions.

Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques such as joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, and manual stretching to improve joint mobility and reduce muscle tension.

Exercise Prescription: Customized exercise programs to improve strength, flexibility, and overall function.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Specialized programs to aid in recovery after surgery, including joint replacements, ligament repairs, and more.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation: Treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, including fractures, sprains, and strains.

Balance and Fall Prevention: Evaluation and exercises to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls, especially in older adults.

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation programs for individuals recovering from heart surgery or cardiac events.

Sports Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation and injury prevention programs for athletes of all levels.

Age Related Physical Therapy: Care for older adults to maintain or regain functional independence.

Occupational Rehabilitation: Focused on helping individuals return to work or adapt to their job requirements after an injury or illness.

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Treatment for individuals with balance and dizziness disorders, often related to inner ear issues.

Wound Care: Management of wounds, particularly those that affect mobility and function.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Therapy: Treatment for jaw pain and dysfunction.

Home Exercise Programs: Creation of personalized exercise routines for patients to continue rehabilitation at home.

Education and Prevention: Guidance on injury prevention, ergonomic training, and lifestyle modifications to promote overall health.

Sauna & Cold Plunge

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation experience with our luxurious sauna and invigorating cold plunge services. Our sauna therapy melts away stress and toxins, promoting deep relaxation and enhanced well-being. Step into the cold plunge to stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and awaken your senses. Together, these therapies offer a unique contrast, leaving you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to take on the world. Whether you seek tranquility, post-workout recovery, or wellness enhancement, our sauna and cold plunge services in East Nashville are your ticket to blissful relaxation and holistic rejuvenation.

Our Sauna & Cold Plunge Inspiration

In 2006, Dr. Max Emery’s sister made a life-changing move from Nashville to Stockholm, Sweden. In 2008, Dr. Emery and his family embarked on their first visit to Sweden, where an unforgettable experience awaited them. One evening, Dr. Emery’s brother-in-law insisted on a visit to “the sauna,” but this was no ordinary sauna—it was a floating sauna in the frozen waters of Stockholm. After working up a good sweat and enjoying a couple of 3.2% beers, they took the plunge into the icy water, an exhilarating wake-up call!

Fast forward to the present, Dr. Emery has become an avid follower of the HubermanLab podcast, which extensively discusses the health benefits of heat exposure. Among the podcast’s guests, Susanna Soberg, known as “The Thermalist,” has shared insights into the advantages of cold exposure. Susanna’s research has shed light on the profound benefits of even brief bouts of cold exposure on both physical and mental health.

Now, Dr. Max Emery is delighted to offer sauna and cold plunge services at his clinic, alongside his expert physical therapy treatments. These services are designed to provide clients with the incredible health benefits associated with heat and cold exposure, inspired by his memorable experience in the icy waters of Stockholm.